The gang behind the ransomware REvil carried out an attack on the US IT provider Kaseya on Friday, July 2, 2021. The cyber attack forced the closure of 800 branches of the Swedish supermarket chain Coop.

Last Friday, cyber criminals carried out a sophisticated attack on companies around the world. 200 companies were affected. According to the cybersecurity firm Huntress Labs, the hackers mainly targeted IT companies in the US, above all Kaseya. Then they could access the companies that use the VSA software and that spread over their networks. Therefore the supermarket Coop Sweden decided to close its branches.

Coop Sweden, victim of colossal IT disruptions

One of the closed Swedish Coop branches has put up a sign indicating that the store has been affected by a massive computer malfunction. According to a spokesman for Coop Sweden, they did not use Kaseya’s software directly on their systems. However, one of their suppliers did and the remote update tool for their registers was affected. So they decided to close early enough and only open on Sundays.

“The entire checkout system at our checkouts and self-checkout no longer works, so we need time to restart the system. „A spokesman for Coop Sweden.

According to Kaseya’s investigation, the Russia -affiliated REvil ransomware gang is behind the breach. He managed to hijack the technological management software of the Coop supermarket. This law therefore prevented the use of his funds and no payment could be made.

Mobilize various institutions to counter the attack.

This case worries many internet users because cyber criminals show their expertise in hacking. As a result, Kaseya published on its website that it was investigating this cyber attack . In addition, the UK’s National Cyber ​​Security Center is committed to working to understand the impact of the attack.

“Ransomware is a growing global cyber threat and all businesses need to take immediate action to mitigate the risk and follow our advice on how to take strong defensive measures to protect their networks. „

Von writer